Tuesday 10 May 2011

What's Love,Lust ,Jealousy,Aggression And Passion?

Love means sacrifice. To give up everything for love is it's true essence. True happiness comes when you unconditionally love your partner.

Lust is physical attraction that seeks only the body, but love seeks the heart of your beloved. If the initial stage of a relationship is lust, it will soon fade. The feeling of love should evolve from the heart and move to the body.

Jealousy stagnates a relationship. Jealousy does arise in a relationship and at such times one needs to talk and mutually deal with it, not run away from it. Jealousy could break a relation.

Aggression exists in every relationship. It is a state of mind. Aggression arises when you start expecting from a relationship and the same is not fulfilled. But one should know how to sort it out because it exists within all of us; it's just how you deal with it.

Passion arises in love as well as lust. Passion in love is a deep feeling of caring, listening. In lust it is just body-centric. Hence it is short-lived and superficial.

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